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Success Tips 3 Reasons You Need Another Stream Of IncomeIn todays success tips, I am going to share why you need another source of income.

I am sure your mind will be opened after todays post, and you will get maximum value, so feel free to share this with anyone you feel might benefit.

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Success Tips- Why Another Source Of Income?

1. Job Security Is Outdated – In the industrial age, there was job security. Companies would take care of their employees, provide health care and all those benefits, plus a hefty retirement package. In this new economy, all of that is outdated. Companies can downsize you anytime without warning (in some places) and if you have put all of your financial future on a job, and you lose it, you will be in very deep trouble.

2. Technology And Animals are being trained to replace you– It might sound weird but its the truth. Take the banking industry for instance. Most tasks can be done online, thereby eliminating the need for jobs in those areas.   I actually came across a website showing a company (monkey helpers) which trains monkeys to carry out tasks. I posted the link after todays blog post.

For more reasons why you might need another source of income, watch my video below:

Did you get value from these success tips? And do you see why you need another source of income, if you don’t have one already? Feel free to like, comment, and share with anyone who might benefit.

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Success Tips- 3 Reasons You Need Another Source Of Income 3
Adewale Adebusoye’s MLM and Internet Marketing Blog

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